
We believe in building lifelong relationships with our clients. Our architecture services have just one goal and that is fostering our enduring client relationships so that they have their dream space to live and work.
Over the years we have contributed to some very successful milestone projects.
Worker Housing | Da Nang, Vietnam
We designed an environmentally stable proposal for the Worker Housing Crisis in Da Nang, Vietnam, and collaborated with Professor Martin Despang and Professor David Rockwood on the project. During the project, we were working in close coordination and understanding with the Department of Construction, the Department of Socio-Economic Development, & the Department of Planning and Investment to meet our client needs and expectations.
Chinatown Intervention | Honolulu, Hawaii
This project offered exceptional architecture services and developed a design that best uses the ideals of mixed spaces; incorporating the restaurant, club, and livable environments, into one architectural system that works cohesively.
A'Ala Park Master Plan | Downtown Honolulu, Hawaii
Our experts supported this master plan where the goal of our architecture services was to redevelop a decrepit State Park to create a learning space in the middle of downtown.
University of Hawaii; Faculty Housing | Honolulu, Hawaii
We were approached by the Hui (group) to collectively come up with a solution for Faculty Housing for the University of Hawaii. We designed three luxury condominiums with 42 units to offset the cost of the six faculty housing condominiums providing 18 units.
Ishikawa ADU Addition | Honolulu, Hawaii
We used our architecture services to take advantage of the views and incorporate the aspects the client wanted most; maximize the floor area to have a place to host for guests, maximize the 800 square-foot allowable area for an ADU on his sized lot, and provide a contemporary living space for years to come.
Coleman Lanai Addition
The staircase for this project was a feat of engineering as it required some of the strongest heavy-duty hangers from Simpson Strongtie to provide not only structural loading but loading for the lateral forces as part of the staircase is cantilevering.
Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL) Intervention
Working with a former partner, Ryan Ching, we developed an Environmentally Stable Three Bedroom, Two Bathroom Native Hawaiian Home for one of the Plots of land the University of Hawaii has been allotted. The entire project was hand-drawn and proposed to the DHHL for approval on their site.